How to snipe fair launch like a chad v2

I’ve seen a similar write up that's a bit outdated now. This is an updated version. — Updated July 8th 5:43 p.m UTC

I was regularly asked to help fellow cryptoheads out with how to interact with the smart contract directly. This should give you a legup on fair launches, but always DYOR and make sure the contract is correct. Don’t ape into contracts before they are posted by the correct team!

Sniping those contracts

Connect to Pancake Swap V2

Connect wallet

Connect to Web3 Wallet

Select wallet connection type

Connect wallet

Click OK on warning.

BSC Warning

You should now see connected and your wallet ID.

Connected wallet

Find function 11

Function 11 —swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens


This field is how much bnb you want to spend.

amountOutMin (uint256)

This is essentially slippage. To calculate it would be a pain in the ass. Just put 0 for unlimited slippage.

path (address[])

— — — — — — — — — — — UPDATED — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Some people are confused with this section. This is the PAIR you want to swap. It should have 2 addresses separated by a comma.


This needs to be WBNB Contract, Contract you want to buy. For example,


to (address)

This is your wallet

deadline (uint256)

Here you can specify the maximum transaction time. This number is a unix time stamp. This means that if the transaction is not done within xx minutes, it will be canceled.

To get the deadline go to

Epoch Converter

Take the number in unix for example 1625591277

Increment the 4th digit by one. So in this example I would end up with 1625592277

This sets the deadline for 20 minutes from now. It needs to be long enough to cover the launch window. Grab this number 5–10 minutes before launch.

A proper filled out write contract will look like this.

Filled out contract

You must wait until the token has liquidity in the contract before you hit Write.

The way I do this is open the contract in poocoin. If the contract is not live, the section under BNB LP holdings will say 0.00 once this changes to any number the contract is now live! Press Write and you should be good to go!

If successful you will get a view transaction message

View Transaction confirmation

I hope this helps everyone trying to beat the bots! My guides will always be free, anyone trying to charge you is a scammer. If this information has been useful, and you feel generous after you’ve made a ton of beans feel free to donate, any amount is welcome even to buy a cup of coffee!

0x765cee43Ebe112dc97783cc9D4C8C773af2900ea — BNB

